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    School Saving Bonus

    The School Saving Bonus will provide $400 in support for Victorian school-aged students in Term 4, 2024 for use on 2025 school costs.

    Click here to visit the School Saving Bonus website.

    The School Saving Bonus will be emailed directly to parents and carers in November 2024. Please check your junk folder if you cannot locate the email. If you do not receive information by 29 November 2024, please contact your school for support.

    Further support

    For immediate support, please email: school.saving.bonus@education.vic.gov.au

    From Monday 25 November 2024, the following additional options will be operational:

    Using the School Saving Bonus

    • The bonus is available for use through to 30 June 2025.
    • Eligible families who have more than one child at the same school can combine their School Saving Bonus to use on one child, or for a specific school activity.
    • For example, a family with 3 eligible children will receive support to the value of $1,200 and the family can choose how they spend their School Saving Bonus for approved school expenses.
    • Unused money from the School Saving Bonus can be transferred to a sibling at the same school if one child finishes school, or can be transferred between government schools where a child moves to a new school.
    • The School Saving Bonus cannot be combined across different schools, and cannot be transferred between government and non-government schools.
    • You do not need to use your entire voucher in one transaction. Your voucher will remain valid up until 30 June 2025, and you have until then to spend your total value
    • You must pay any additional amount not covered by the School Saving Bonus.
    • Parents/carers can allocate all or part of their School Saving Bonus to voucher codes for use either online or in-store. Online vouchers cannot be redeemed instore, likewise, instore vouchers cannot be redeemed online.
    • The parent/carer must have their School Saving Bonus code at the time of purchase if they wish to use the bonus to purchase approved items.
    • No refunds can be provided for the value purchased using the School Saving Bonus.

    Redeeming Vouchers Online

    • Add all of your required items to your shopping cart.
    • Proceed to the checkout and make any required changes to your cart (such as increasing quantities or removing items).
    • Complete the Shipping information section, by adding your billing details and selecting which shipping method you prefer.
    • Once you get to the Payment screen, enter your voucher code in the Gift Card area and select Add Code


    • If there is a balance remaining, you can then select the payment option you would like to use for the remaining balance. You can also enter multiple vouchers using the same process as above.
    • Once payment has been completed, click on the Place Order button to finalise
    • The order will now be processed, and you will receive an order confirmation email.